Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Superman Returns

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I was amused when I heard the predictions about Superman Returns being a flop. Of course, these dire warnings came from Hollywood elitists who were miffed that the movie didn't appear at the Cannes Film Festival. They will soon be proven wrong. After 19 years away from the big screen, Superman will return at 29 June 2006 in Malaysia (Today) . While Superman is not my favorite costumed crimefighter (that honor belongs to Spider-Man, with Batman as a close second,) I'll probably watch it anyways.

Director Bryan Singer, noted for his work on the first two X-Men movies and executive producer of House, is going to stay faithful to the character and recapture the spirit of the first two films, while still delivering enough excitement to keep moviegoers riveted. After Warner Brothers spent years tossing around names like Nicholas Cage (perhaps one of the worst casting decisions in history) to play Superman, Bryan Singer finally settled on the unknown Brandon Routh. In a way, this reminds me of George Lazenby's stint as James Bond. Nobody would say that the previously-unknown Lazenby was the best actor to portray the hero, but he was "good enough," and his movie happened to be the best in the series. One can only hope that Routh can do as well or even better than George Lazenby.Superman Returns will be the top-grossing movie of the summer. While it cost beaucoup bucks to film, it will still be a cash cow for Warner Brothers. Beyond that, it goes to show that Cannes exists to hype the artsy films that don't have blockbuster potential. For an American classic with widespread appeal like Superman, pandering to Hollywood elites is a waste of time.

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Superman Returns adalah franchise yang di"revive"kan balik, didorong berdasarkan kejayaan franchise Batman Begins lepas diambil alih oleh Christopher Nolan. Warner Bros. sekarang ni in-the-competition dengan studio produksi yang lain untuk beli rights komik superhero, foreign film rights, animation rights dan remaking balik sebab memang trend Hollywood sekarang dan permintaan penonton yang mahu menonton sesuatu yang mereka dan ada "basic knowledge" about it. Sebab Superman ni dah ada fan-base, berjuta-juta plak tu satu dunia, ditambah lagi dengan kredibiliti Brian Singer yang memang diketahui ramai one of the new generation of American filmmakers seangkatan dengan Darren Aronofsky, Sam Raimi, Wes Anderson, Robert Rodriguez, Sofia Coppola dan Quentin Tarantino. ini jugak dibantu dengan faktor kejayaan filem adaptasi komik dan grafik novel macam X-men series, Spider-man, V for Vendetta dan The History of Violence.
King Kong, walaupun moderately sucessful tapi tak berjaya nak cover balik kos disebabkan orang dah muak dengan remake King Kong, kalau diikutkan dah ada 6 remake filem King Kong (termasuk versi Jepun dan remake Peter Jackson), dan Peter Jackson sendiri cakap yang dia tak mengubah apa-apa dari original filem(versi 1933) kerana memang plan Peter Jackson hanya nak pay homage to the original version disamping menjadikan King Kong 2005 nampak lagi realistic dan thrilling kerana dibantu dengan CGI. So kebanyakan orang tak nak tonton something yang mereka dah tonton berulang-ulang kali, samala kalau ada pengarah malaysia nak buat remake Pendekar Bujang Lapuk, sapa nak tengok sebab orang malaysia dah tengok berjuta-juta kali kat tv.aku rasa Superman Returns mampu at least nak cover balik kos pembikinannya yang 180++ juta tu (tak sampai 200 juta), with much hypes and talks based on it sekarang pun aku sure it can top the box-office spot for at least 3 weeks.kalau ye pun kutipan tak cover kos pembikinan, aku rasa merchandising ngan DVD sales yang akan masuk market lepas tu, dah boleh cover 2 kali ganda.
it's all business strategy people...Teringin sekali aku tengok Superman tu tukar imej dan tak pakai seluar dalam kat luar.....cubalah buat kalau ada Superman baru nanti... Suit yang lebih comfortable...Seluar dalam kat luar tu dah fesyen lapuk dah...



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